Are you one of the 120 million Americans that owns a smart speaker today? Better yet, did you tell Alexa to play the Altitude Sessions podcast? What if Alexa could  also help you decide on health coverage and remind you to take your medicine? Neal Sofian shares his work on voice technology and how AI relationships can transform the healthcare industry.  


Patient. Disease. Claim. Risk. We use these words to describe the healthcare consumer all too often (guilty as charged). What if the industry took a humanistic approach to communication—talking to humans like they are…well, human. Today, the ever-entertaining Neal Sofian joins the podcast to discuss how conversational AI can change the consumer health experience. Neal’s technology is applying behavioral economics, building tailored content, and driving educated and tailored purchasing decisions. One thing we can agree on—voice technology is here to stay. How is your organization thinking about the integration of voice into your consumer relationships? We promise Neal will make you look at your Alexa device just a little differently. Strap in. The future of AI awaits. Let’s #ElevateYourHealthCareThinking.

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